Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Ana majnuna.

For the sake of one wish yet unfulfilled he thought but little of everything else that heaven had granted him. That is how human beings are made! If prayers remain unanswered, do we ever reflect that it may be for our good? We feel sure that we know our needs, yet the future is veiled from our eyes. The thread of our fate ends outside the visible world; and what today we mistake for a padlock keeping us out, we may tomorrow find to be a key that lets us in.
~ Nizami Ganjavi, The Story of Layla and Majnun

So sick of what I've been seeing on the news these recent days. Let's drown it out with a generous helping of epic poetry.

You know, after all the damage we've done to this world we're supposed to take care of, the notion of a second Great Deluge is very welcome indeed.

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