Thursday, December 25, 2014

Sayang meow.

Of all the pictures I saw related to the current massive flood in Kelantan, this is the one that moves me the most:

We tend to forget that human lives are not the only ones involved here. Hang in there, furry friends on the East Coast. I pray for the Almighty to keep you safe.

P/S: The above picture is of unknown origin. It may not even be a recent one. However, it was posted in a blog containing a commentary about the current situation in the East Coast state. Anyway, old or new, I can only imagine how it must be like for these innocent little creatures over there, trapped with everyone else in the flood.

I do hope they are not forgotten.


A couple colleagues asked why I very rarely agree to hang out with the rest of the crew after work. I gave them the standard 'busy at home, lots to take care of' response.

Here's one thing they do not know: I lied.

Yes, I do have a whole lot of things to take care of outside of work--but not always. Truth is, I don't want to get too close. Colleagues are colleagues, and colleagues they should always remain. It's a defense mechanism, a measure of self-preservation. I like to keep my work life and personal life completely separate. After working insanely-long hours every day, the last thing I want to do is meet up with the same people I've been working with the whole time. I'd drive myself crazy.

Not that I'm completely sane anyway.

I don't want to be close friends with my colleagues. I make it a point not to. It's my way of sparing myself from the downside of getting too close--getting taken advantage of, sold out, or left hanging. I do engage in small talk and plenty of good-humored fun, but they are all largely superficial. Putting up a front so no one can delve any deeper into the mess that is who I am. Carefully selecting what can be revealed and what should be kept concealed. Sometimes I weave a tiny bit of fiction into the fabric I put on display, for added color or simply out of boredom.

I'm a storyteller. I tell tales. They don't necessarily have to be true all the time, right?

You must wonder, just what on this godforsaken earth am I hiding? Why do I shut people out?

It's simple: Everything. Because I can, and I want to. A form of prophylaxis, so I won't be afflicted by the painful, ugly and disgusting manifestations of the disease in what humans refer to as a "dog eat dog world".

At least dogs are loyal. Humans, on the other hand...

I'll let you be the judge of that.

Joyeux Noël!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Keeping up with the rest.

Peer pressure isn't just a teenage problem. I think it's even worse when you're in your late twenties. It throws you into what is known in psychobabble as the quarter-life crisis.

One by one, people your age in your social circle get engaged, then get married. They get promoted at work, or maybe find a very lucrative job offer elsewhere...then happily take it. You see them have their first child. A few of them are expecting Kid #2 already.

27 years old, and going on 28. Your cousins are younger than you are, and they've already started a family. You, on the other hand, are still stagnant. The same job, the same amount of pay. No life aside from work. No time for socializing, let alone for prospective spouses. Relatives keep on pestering you to get married, as if husbands and wives are readily available, like goods in a grocery store.

So the million-dollar question is: Why now? Why does one have to accomplish certain things at a certain time? Why stress yourself out trying to fulfill the expectations of others when you can do it at your own pace?

Humans are just plain nuts. I think that's why.

How exactly do you measure pressure of this sort? In pascals?

Monday, December 15, 2014

Dig the tunnel, quick.

What's your opinion on looking for other jobs while you're on the job?

Is it OK to secretly seek greener pastures while you're at the office desk?

For a time, I thought it was unethical; but sitting here manning the beachside property with plenty of time to kill and no boss hovering over your shoulder every other hour--it's so much better to just put that time to good use.

At first, I felt kinda guilty for using company facilities for my personal affairs. Then that thing with the boss happened--and I realize one thing: I simply don't care anymore.

The disillusionment has intensified.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Off the beaten path.

The hotel restaurant, just a few days ago.

"My friend here is wondering if you're local," said my boss's mom. "I'm gonna let you tell her yourself."

I glanced over at said friend, then threw her a smile. I had spoken to her just minutes before.

"So, my dear, are you local or aren't you?"

"Yes, ma'am. I am. Born and raised here in Kuching," I responded.

"See? I told you but you didn't believe me," boss-mom chimed in.

"Wow, I thought you're not from here. You speak English like Queen Elizabeth," the friend added.

I've had people comment on my English before, but that was the first time someone said I speak like the Queen. I couldn't help but chuckle.


The hotel courtyard, on the same day.

A lawyer from the nearby law firm came to have some drinks and catch up on some work after-hours. Her colleague joined her some minutes later, and we chatted for a while.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't get your name," she said to me.

I gave it to her.

"Wah, you cakap macam orang putih lah," said the colleague.

A smile, then another chuckle.


The beachside property, yesterday.

An English family came to check the place out. They're currently living in Brunei, where the parents both teach English at an international school.

"Did you study overseas? Your English is superb."

Like so many times before, I told them I watched way too much TV when I was a kid. X-Men, Transformers, G.I. Joe--you name it.

"You should teach. We could use more people like you."


So, yes. How's that for motivation?

Hello, TESOL!

Large group nightmare.

So this is the second time they're doing an event here.

I thought they would've learned their lesson by now. To my dismay, nothing's changed. They're still all over the place, getting accommodation solutions all messed up. In fact, it's even worse than the last time they were here. I decided to pull a couple shenanigans of my own to sort shit out.

I hope my manager gets drunk enough tonight not to notice. Better yet, someone should gag and tie her up so she can't drive up here and stick her nose into these affairs. Crowd control is not an easy thing to do. What we need is a psych expert, and none of us has that qualification.

I'm getting lists that come up way after the people who are not on it have checked in. People who are using beds that are supposed to be unoccupied and ready for arrival. Organizers trying to negotiate with me about bringing more people in when we're already filled to capacity. My only saving grace today would be a no-show from a prepaid booking made months in advance before they even decided to plan this event. This is gonna sound really awful, but I hope the guest fails to arrive. He's hogging a desperately-needed spot right there.

Now, the million-dollar question is: Is it so hard to come up with a guest list for the accommodation provider? Not only is it so much easier for us, it'll save you so much time and spare you from these dreaded screw-ups. So simple. Less than an hour to list down everyone you've got and decide who sleeps where. Make it non-amendable, so no one can move, especially on short notice.

Now I'm stuck here at the front desk, keeping an eye out for event crew who need me to open the door for them. Visitor policy doesn't apply to these people, and they're constantly going in and out of the place, hauling equipment and meeting up with their respective department leaders. Disengaging the electronic lock makes things easier for them, but that also enables them to bring in way too many people than is allowed at a single time over here.

On normal days, I love this place. This time, I utterly despise it. This time. Just this time.

Press that damned 'unlock' button yourself, will you?

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Neither a monologue nor a soliloquy.

We get together, but separate's always better when there's feelings involved.

If what they say is nothing is forever, then what makes love the exception?

Random? Maybe. Or is it, really?

If you don't get it, then shake it.

Shake it like a Polaroid picture.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Panggilan itu.

Tak sampai pun seminggu, tapi kali ini sudah kali ketiga.

Terjaga sebelum azan subuh, dan terasa seperti ada yang memanggil.

Kalau sebelum ini hati cuma berdiam dan tak ambil peduli, tapi kali ini dia meronta-ronta minta dilepaskan, agar bisa menyahut panggilan itu.

Mama dan papa pula tiba-tiba membangkitkan hal yang sama, seolah-olah bisa membaca apa yang aku sedang ligat fikirkan.

It runs in your blood, on your father's side.

Bukan saka mencari waris, tapi darah keturunan warga pendidik--memperturunkan ilmu kepada anak bangsa.

Aku cuba bilang berapa ramai saudara-mara dari sebelah sana, setakat mana yang aku kenali. Cuba mengukur sejauh mana kebenaran kenyataan yang baru aku dengar tadi.

Cuba bilang pakai jari. Tak cukup pula jari di tangan. Ramai juga ya. Betullah agaknya.

Kalau engkau hendak, engkau cubalah mohon. Selagi jasad masih bernyawa, selagi itulah ilmu harus kita timba. Tak ada 'expiry date'. Belajarlah sampai masuk liang lahad.

Besar ganjarannya kalau mengajar ilmu kepada orang lain. Bukan saham dunia yang dimaksudkan, tapi saham akhirat.

Jujur aku katakan, hendak mendengar mama dan papa berkata begitu boleh diibaratkan seperti menanti bulan jatuh ke riba. Payah sekali. Semacam mustahil.

Tapi hari ini seperti ada kuasa yang mempengaruhi perjalanan hari, kuasa yang mempengaruhi mereka untuk merestui andai aku memilih untuk beralih arah ke jalan itu. Selalunya mereka bilang jangan buang masa. Umur sudah meningkat. Perlu kewangan stabil, justeru harus merebut peluang dalam job market dan kumpul aset untuk hari tua.

Terdiam seketika. Minda semakin ligat berfikir dan bertanya kepada diri.

Soalan pertama cuma ada dua patah perkataan -- "What if?" 

Soalan yang sudah terlalu lama terdetik di hati. Bukan dalam minggu ini, bukan juga minggu sudah, tapi bertahun-tahun lamanya.

Pertanyaan lain pula muncul.

Aku tahu hendak jadi pendidik dalam sistem sekarang bukanlah senang. Jadi mampukah aku?

Aku juga tahu usiaku sudah lewat 20-an. Jadi terlambatkah aku?

Pertanyaan seterusnya tiba-tiba beralih bahasa. Will I be doing the right thing?

Aku pasti saudara-mara akan bising dan berkata jangan. Seperti mana pendirian mama dan papa dahulu. Usah buang masa. Teruskan sahaja apa yang engkau sedang lakukan sekarang. Sayang kalau engkau tinggalkan. Mengapa perlu masuk sekolah kembali dan mengaji kembali? You are not getting any younger.

Ah, cukup benci konflik dalaman seperti ini.

Maka hati terus meronta, kerana panggilan itu semakin jelas kedengaran dan bisa bikin diri tak tentu arah memikirkannya usai pulang dari syif malam ini.

Segulung ijazah yang menyatakan kelayakan akademikku adalah dalam bidang TESL, bayangannya semakin jelas kelihatan.

Aku perlukan pendapat kalian, serta petunjuk dari-Nya.

Berat benar hati ini untuk meninggalkan zon selesa dan mengorak langkah ke arah yang berbeza. Bab-bab mengajar aku memang suka. Menulis apatah lagi, tanpa ragu-ragu aku bilang aku sememangnya teramatlah cinta. Bidang kerjaya aku sekarang juga sama. Minat itu memang ada.

Sekarang persoalannya aku pun tak tahu ada berapa. Berbaloikah kalau aku tinggalkan semua ini untuk itu? Menyesalkah aku nanti? Mungkinkah benar pepatah orang putih--the grass is not always greener on the other side?

Berapa kali aku bertanya kepada diri sendiri--ah, aku pun tak terkira. Betul ke engkau mahu?

Ya, tapi...

Mesti ada tapinya.

Saat ini aku dambakan kekuatan seperti yang digambarkan dalam puisi Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken.

Baiklah, masa untuk berfikir lagi.

Wahai jawapan, cepatlah datang.

Wahai minda, lekaslah buat keputusan.

Wahai hati, tenanglah kau hadapi semuanya nanti.

Wah, sudah lama tak menulis dalam bahasa ibunda. Takut nanti ada yang mengata, perasan diri mat saleh lah pula. Sekali-sekala (sepatutnya harus selalu) kita kembali ke asal-usul kita. Tak salah kan?